Cargo Theft Doubled in 2019

So much work ahead: cargo theft doubled in 2019 with an average daily loss in the EMEA region last year of €378,058! According to TAPA’s report as read at Trans.Info news portal:

The incident rate is the highest recorded in TAPA’s 23-year history as the leading Security Expert Network for everyone in the supply chain. In its Incident Information Service (IIS) Annual Report 2019, the Association also reveals average losses for major cargo crimes of €536,889 and an average daily loss in the EMEA region last year of €378,058.

Among the different techniques used by criminals is fake identity to pick up the goods:

"Other modus operandi used by #cargo thieves during the year included a significant number of fraudulent pickups by offenders using a fake driver and company identities, and cloned vehicles."

The solution? Seguratainer allows you to pre-define a designated person (and mobile phone) to open the lock and access the goods. No way to fake that. It's time to put real security solutions at work to protect your trucks and containers.

Contact us. Let's keep your cargo safe.

Read more about from the article by Trans.INFO here.