Survey: Canadian Truck Drivers and Cargo Security

If the doors of the truck are not secured, don't blame the parking lot.

Canadian truck drivers were asked about cargo theft and security measures in Canada. In Toronto only, goods worth of 500.000 USD are being stolen every day. Unfortunately, the security measures pointed out as preferred options fall short. Most of those -GPS, security cameras- are not enough to stop criminal activity: they do not make it harder to actually access the load. Some criminals will smile to the camera while they walk away with your goods...

So, unsecured truck parking lots are certainly a factor in cargo theft but by no means the only or even the most relevant one: trucks are being robbed even during transit, cargo is being stolen in broad daylight. Security must start at the core: keeping the truck doors locked for good.

When asked about it, 69% of Canadian truck drivers admit they did not feel their loads were secured against cargo theft, 34% have lost a load to cargo theft and 47% believed truck drivers are less safe than the general population when on the road.

If you want to keep your cargo, trucks and drivers safe: contact us.

Image: excerpt from survey. For full content and credit: Truck News (Today’s Trucking)

Image: excerpt from survey. For full content and credit: Truck News (Today’s Trucking)

More information regarding the survey to Canadian truck drivers by the good folks at TruckNews (from Today’s Trucking) here.